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1986 - 87m.

Played with a much more unserious tone than previous parts in the series this has our favourite (and only) hockey masked killer Jason being resurrected back to life in a decent pre-credits sequence only to go on another murderous rampage as Thom Mathews (playing the Tommy Jarvis character from parts four and five) is the "boy who cried Jason" who sets-out to stop him.

Averaging a death every five minutes or so (with a triple decapation and one victim leaving a smiley face imprint on a tree after going face-first into it) this has some okay satire (one character proclaims they've seen enough horror movies to not trust a guy in a mask) and isn't too bad despite a silly finale that leaves it open for yet another inevitable sequel.

Not the best of the series, but mild fun anyway. And who couldn't love Alice Cooper's "He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)" tune?

Followed by Friday The 13th Part VII:The New Blood.

Directed By: Tom McLoughlin.
Written By: Tom McLoughlin.

Starring: Thom Mathews, Jennifer Cooke, David Kagan, Renee Jones.