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2000 - 79m.

After an inspired Blair Witch-like opening with one cool pay-off this Full Moon Pictures sequel tells of a bunch of college students going to a small town to investigate some unearthed graves only for their teacher (played by Ariauna Albright; who does fine and is especially good in her witch get-up) to get possessed by witch Lilith who caused all the trouble in the original Witchouse movie.

Steadily directed by genre vetern Bookwalter this stays within genre expectations which is okay even though it doesn't really offer up anything new.

Well-paced and with some mild attempts at humour (the interview moments have some laughs) this suffers from going almost half its running time without any real horror and the script gets a little too junky near the end; but it's still bearable with Andrew Prine giving a steely performance and being the best thing here.

Though one has to wish that during the videotaping moments near the end (when they are sneaking in the house and taping it) that our apparent hero would stop cracking cloying jokes. The movie is only so-so; the DVD features are better.

The ultimate reason to get this disc is for "15 Years In 15 Minutes", a loving look back a Bookwalter's first film The Dead Next Door.

Review based on unrated director's cut.

Directed By: J.R. Bookwalter.
Written By: Douglas Snauffer.

Starring: Ariauna Albright, Elizabeth Hobgood, Nicholas Lanier.


Picture Ratio: 1.85:1 Widescreen.

Picture Quality: The picture gets a little soft at times but is generally not bad at all.

Extras: Loaded is the best way to describe Tempe's DVD as we get a commentary, making-of featurette, music videos, on location featurette, bios, trailers and the awesome "15 Years In 15 Minutes" documentary.