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2004 - 78m.

Another innuendo titled riff on a Hollywood movie courtesy of Seduction Cinema, The Witches Of Breastwick takes itself more seriously than most of the movies coming from the company and isn't the parody you might expect judging from the title alone.

When the entire thing opens with our lead male character David (Matt Dalpiaz) being seduced by three big-breasted naked women you know what you're getting and director Jim Wynorski (under his "H.R. Blueberry" pseudonym) never shies away from that making a movie where spontaneous stripping and sex isn't an uncommon occurrence.

From this dream that ends with David being stabbed he decides to go on a quest with wife Tiffany (Monique Parent) to find the source of the nightmares and after having a romp in a clearing along the road they end-up at the location where his dreams have been taking place. Soon enough they find out their car won't start and end-up at a remote mountain cabin that just so happens to be occupied by the three girls in his dreams (Stormy Daniels, Glori-Anne Gilbert, and Julie K. Smith) who try to pass themselves off as writers out at the cabin writing about the legend of a local witch but are actually witchcraft using minions of said witch who are out to seduce David and his wife in order to bring their mistress back to life.

They also decide to throw in a rival witch who is in the movie to not only warn David about the three woman who's house he's staying at, but to also to give the movie yet another sex scene - which strikes me as funny as just after warning him about them being seductresses she pretty much does the same thing (and brings David's "I cheated on my wife" tally up to four).

That's about all the plot you're going to get from The Witches Of Breastwick, but really you're not going to watch this one for the plot and that's a good thing as it's about as slender as you can get using the witch angle to hang a slew of sex scenes on and to try and give the movie some sort of "occult" appeal for the most forgiving of horror fans (who just so happen to like a whole slew of nudie scenes).

Wynorski keeps his camera moving during the standard softcore scenes while his barely dressed cast make lots of mock orgasmic faces and glance at the camera numerous times. But for what The Witches Of Breastwick is, it's not too bad. I'm not really a fan of this type of movie because if I want what it offers there's always various other ways to get it, but there's a lot worse erotic films out there and at least this one is competent is what it does and does its intended job fine.

Visit Seduction Cinema for more info. (Chris Hartley, 10/5/05)

Directed By: H.R. Blueberry (Jim Wynorski).
Written By: Thaddeus Wickwire.

Starring: Stormy Daniels, Glori-Anne Gilbert, Julie K. Smith, Monique Parent.


Picture Ratio: 1.78:1 Widescreen.

Picture Quality: Probably one of the best transfers Seduction has offered to date with solid colours, no grain, and a picture that generally looks quite good.

Extras: As a bonus feature we're given 1998's Vampire Callgirls (68m.) which is pretty much exactly what you'd expect but there's also a vintage peepshow sampler, an okay commentary track with Wynorski and Gilbert, and the expected Seduction Cinema trailer vault.