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1989 - 103m.

"Toxie" (as he's affectionately known) is back in this sequel to the cult classic original that starts with a promising action/gore sequence that has Toxie fighting some thugs at the "Tromaville Centre For The Blind" (with lots of impressive gore and laughs) before becoming a sadly toned down follow-up that has our monster hero heading off to Japan in order to look for his long lost father while having to take on evil conglomerate Apocalypse, Inc. who want to take over Tromaville.

With a more slapstick feel than the original and not taking as much risks this feels more comic book and less exploitation fun than I'd of liked and suffers for it being a watchable, if nothing special, sequel.

There's a few moments of inspired comedy (it's plays on Japanese stereotypes is at times amusing) and some memorable moments (the "table fish chopping" scene and extremely silly street fighting sequences for example) but it just seems to be missing something.

Also suffers from a feeble finale and the fact Phoebe Legere is a lousy over-actor as Melvin's blind girlfriend Claire (who was named "Sara" in the original - but then again Melvin's last name here is "Junko" when it was "Furd" in the first one).

Shot back-to-back with the part three. Review based on unrated director's cut.

Directed By: Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman.
Written By: Lloyd Kaufman, Gay Partington Terry.

Starring: Ron Fazio, Phoebe Legere, John Altamura, Rick Collins.