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2003 - 93m.

"Old dark house" indie flick from writer/director Jeff Thomas opens with a creepy dream sequence (that really doesn't have much to do with the movie) before settling down into a more timeworn premise of having a popular rock band heading off to record a new album at a former asylum only for everyone to start getting picked-off by some nasty looking demon creatures after they find a lurid "art gallery of death" (which shows a painting off a person's upcoming demise) and other strange documents.

While this is a bit thin on plot, the acting is only so-so (with some suspect dubbing) and a pace that at times feels a bit leisurely this is still one pretty rockin' little effort that slings enough gore (including a kick-ass "under the bed" sequence and one really brutal disembowlment scene), has a constantly nightmarish tone (this is one eerie movie, man!) and a last third that's filled with shocks, decent chases and lots of blood.

Throw in a awesome twist ending (one of the most original ones I've seen in quite some time) and you've got this worthwhile first effort from Thomas that will leave you waiting to see what he can do next.

Visit Rainstorm Pictures for more information.

Directed By: Jeff Thomas.
Written By: Jeff Thomas.

Starring: Jeff Thomas, Daniel Rain, April Cole, Robert Miller.