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1999 - 79m.

You know it was inevitable there'd be cash-ins on the success of Blair Witch Project and this has got to be one of the worst (apart from Bogus Witch Project of course).

After an introduction by a bogus producer named Paul Salamoff (not the real producer), four twenty-somethings (2 girls, 2 guys) are forced to spend the night in a spooky old mansion in St. Francisville, Lousiana which is apparently haunted by the spirits of slaves who were tortured within its walls.

So what we get is a boring and completely unmenacing fake "docudrama" that has our four characters wandering around getting scared for no real reason (at least none we can see), spouting off shoddy dialogue and totally overacting their emotions. Plus this never once feels "real" which at least Blair Witch managed to succeed in doing with a thought-out backstory and realistic portrayal.

This is vapid, amateurishly acted (Tim Baldani - who also apparently directed this - smirks his way through the movie and Ryan Larson is an annoying whiner) and duller than dirt even having to resort to the old "cat jumping out of closet" scene to try and stir up a scare. Also we couldn't care less about any of the characters and all the mumbling about "white light will protect us" is laughable.

The last ten minutes actually manages some suspense but its way too little way too late.

One character asks, "did you see Blair Witch?" - I did and its better than this crap.

Directed By: Uncredited.
Written By: Uncredited.

Starring: Madison Charap, Paul James Palmer, Tim Baldani, Ryan Larson.