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2001 - 96m.

I'm not sure that the original film has too many fans, I know I wasn't one, but what few there might have been are certainly lost when Breeding Ground comes rolling in. The first was stupid enough to be entertaining on a bad level, the second though tries to play the whole thing seriously - and falls flat on its bloodsucking face.

You do have to give it credit for one thing, finally someone growing mutants has the good sense to do it away from a populated area - on a ship in the middle of the ocean to be exact - but that doesn't stop the spiders from (eventually) breaking free and attacking the crew though. Of course, our "heroes" are taken aboard the ship only a few days earlier, so even from the get-go we know who's gonna be living through this.

To be honest, there's really nothing to recommend this movie on. The acting is weak (and we have about six english actors, the rest of the crew doesn't speak), the spider effects are worse than the originals and there are more unibrows on display in this film than anything I've ever seen - it's like seeing a bunch of Adam Corolla (ed. TV's The Man Show) clones running from shiny bugs. On top of all that, we have a story that's so similar to Alien 3 you may well start looking for bald women.

Avoid this one at all costs. (Red)

Directed By: Sam Firstenberg.
Written By: Stephen David Brooks.

Starring: Stephanie Niznik, Greg Cromer, Richard Moll, Daniel Quinn.