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2003 - 80m.

Another assembly line flick from director David DeCoteau and his Rapid Heart Pictures continues his trend of having the entire buff male cast topless for most of the movie for this throw-back to 1986's The Wraith (with a side of demonic rituals).

Collin Stark stars as a guy who returns home to visit his brother only to get caught-up with a gang of car racing thugs. Things get even worse when kid brother dies in an accident during a race which only leads to a masked killer starting to knock-off his enemies using a souped-up 70's Chevelle. There's also some plot rumblings about an "August Moon" and a bunch of demon worship; but it's barely explored to get much mention - and it really doesn't advance the plot one bit anyway.

Another DeCoteau flick that's not terrible, it's just incredibly lame and quite passable with one pretty laughable "ritual" scene that has car engine fondlings, chains and those pesky topless males rubbing blood all over each others bare chests (c'mon, be a little more subtle with the homoerotic stuff, Dave!). It's a little better than the last Rapid Heart flick I saw (Leeches!), but if you dig low-budget horror flicks there's a lot of better ones out there than this mediocre one.

Visit Asylum Home Entertainment for more information and to order. (Chris Hartley, 7/27/04)

Directed By: David DeCoteau.
Written By: Matthew Jason Walsh.

Starring: Collin Stark, Mark Ian Miller, Candace Moon, M.T. Church.


Picture Ratio: 2.35:1 Widescreen.

Picture Quality: It's clean and fairly solid but there's a lot of edge enhancement problems especially when there's a lot of sharp diagonal lines present.

Extras: There's a trailer, photo gallery and another passable commentary by director DeCoteau.