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2002 - 85m.

I so wanted to like this slasher throwback a lot more than I did, but once it was all over I did find it to be an enjoyably goofy horror/comedy. See, the "slasher" parts are done right, there's a lot of nudity (which seems to get more rare in this type of film), and there's some decent gore - it's just that this takes a bit too long to get rolling and the jokes are more hit-or-miss than anything.

The story is pretty simple as a group of aspiring actors/filmmakers sneak onto the lot of the soon to be destroyed title studio (who in their heyday were kind of like Roger Corman's New World cranking out exploitation B-movies at great speed - ironic considering this movie is put out by his new company New Concorde) in order to film a crappy monster movie in the span of nine hours. Only thing they didn't bet on though was that soon all the prima-donna wannabe actresses, jerk director, and others would start to be killed off one-by-one.

This one certainly had huge potential and if they would've played it like a more straightforward slasher movie (think the first handful of Friday The 13th movies and you'll get my drift) than a tongue-in-cheek semi-spoof then I probably would've liked it more as there's enough skin, alright mood (when the slashings scenes do eventually show-up), and gore (I love the death involving a swinging hook) to please any B-movie fan - it just could've done with less comedy and the extremely dopey twist ending.

Campy timewaster, not much else. (Chris Hartley, 10/7/04)

Directed By: Brian Katkin.
Written By: Dan Acre, John Huckert.

Starring: Peter Stanovich, Amy Shelton-White, Nicolas Read, Allen Scotti.