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1987 - 89m.

After opening with a fairly pointless copy of the "shower scene" from Alfred Hitchcock's classic Psycho, this soon has four teen girlfriends headed to Fort Lauderdale for spring break only for things to go fowl when they get a flat tire in Medley, Georgia and one of the girls witnesses a murder. Turns out the murderer is the local sheriff (Tony March, who does alright) and they have to try and stay alive while trying to convince people he's the killer.

Decent little low-budget thriller actually turns out way better than expected thanks to likeable enough leads, steady direction and a script that's better written than most of its type (despite a finale that's a tad weak).

Forget about the fact that the sub-plot involving some frat boys they are supposed to meet for breakfast is under-developed and goes nowhere and enjoy this well done flick that's satisfying and has a decent shock moment when two of the girls first meet-up with the killer (not knowing their friend just witnessed him choking to death his mistress).

Directed By: Richard Styles.
Written By: George E. Fernandez.

Starring: Tony March, Lisa Stahl, Tom Law, Carol Cadby.