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1987 - 91m.

It's a standard slasher movie set-up as eight teens head-off for a weekend of partying and sex at a closed-up furniture store (that one of their fathers happens to own, of course) only to start getting picked-off by a cross dressling nutcase. Is it the obviously deaf (because he never hears them messing around) ex-con warehouse worker with the snake tattoos that's staying there doing it?

Strictly average flick certainly manages to fill the skin quota with almost every female cast member getting topless at one point or another and there is some okay deaths (like the "spiking" and "elevator" moment) but it suffers from some clunky dialogue, too many scenes of the characters sneaking around and making out, a killer indentity that's out of left field and a quite bad killer demise.

Don't get me wrong this isn't that bad, it's just incredibly uninspired and doesn't really have anything to qualify it for the "Unrated" tag the version I watched had. Director Skip Schoolnik has gone on to a lengthy career in television and is currently a co-producer on Buffy spin-off, Angel.

Directed By: Skip Schoolnik.
Written By: Michael Kelly.

Starring: George Thomas, Donna Baltron, Brittain Frye, Annette Sinclair.