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2001 - 81m.

This passable slasher from Rapid Heart Pictures is a competently made "masked slasher" flick with a good looking young cast that has bitchy Kristen (Erinn Carter, who's the best thing here) setting-up a "murder mystery" game to freak-out her estranged sister at a deserted house only for everyone to start getting killed for real by a knife wielding nutjob.

With lots of "leaping out of nowhere and stabbing someone" scenes, plenty of poor "hip" dialogue attempts and a somewhat meandering pace this certainly isn't one of the greatest slashers ever made; but thanks to some amusing (and expected) "winks" at the genre (especially when the actor hired to play a killer says his job should be done by a stunt man - a total homage to slasher villians everywhere) and steady direction this isn't the worst of its type.

I kinda dig the killers mask even if the whole "twist" ending is simple to figure out.

Directed By: David DeCoteau.
Written By: Matthew Jason Walsh.

Starring: Jamie Gannon, Melissa Renee Martin, Erinn Carter, Chris Boyd.