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2001 - 74m.

Elite Entertainment's second entry in their "Joe Bob Briggs Presents..." series (the first being Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter) is the work of writer/director William Winckler who's crafted a movie that's a total throwback to 70's drive-in and managed to snag three of Russ Meyer's former leading ladies in the process (Kitten Natividad, Haji and Raven De La Croix) - the problem is, though, that it's so harmless and bland that it's nothing more than a passable time.

Natividad plays the well-endowed owner of a local pub who after going off to the Amazon to get the elusive "Crockozilla" plant in order to cure her breast cancer only to end-up with super powers. It's a good thing she did because the owner of the local go-go club and his three stripper henchwomen (who's running joke catchphrases - "ooga boobies!" and "shiver me titty timbers!" - gets annoying) are out to shut down her business. She dons a superhero costume (which has a bra as the mask) and becomes... THE DOUBLE-D AVENGER!

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for purposely campy/cheesy flicks but they have to have some sort of charm (be it intentional or not) in order to work. Unfortunately, Wincklers film doesn't have either simply because all the mild "breast humour" he piles on becomes tired early (it doesn't help than more than half of them are juvenile groaners), there's too many attempts at amateurish titilation (although I do give him credit for not resorting to oodles of nudity) and the entire thing just feels too "safe".

In fact I think that if he'd taken more risks and gotten a bit more "dirty" then this would've turned out much more watchable than it did, because as is it's a completely passable time loaded with low-brow humour and cheap thrills that's hard to recommend to anyone.

Famous Monsters Of Filmland founder Forrest J. Ackerman has another of his countless cameo roles and continues to prove two things: that he can't act and that he'll appear in almost anything.

Visit Elite Entertainment to order. (Chris Hartley, 5/13/04)

Directed By: William Winckler.
Written By: William Winckler.

Starring: Kitten Natividad, Haji, Raven De La Croix, Forrest J. Ackerman.


Picture Ratio: Full Frame.

Picture Quality: Shot on digital this looks great with sharp colours and good clarity. Elite's done a fine job here.

Extras: Once you get over Joe Bob intoning "Here we go!" when you click on every menu button you'll be treated to an alright bunch of extras with a trailer, TV ad, photo gallery, a "making of" documentary that runs longer than the actual film (and makes it at least look like it was fun to produce) and, in what is supposed to be the DVDs calling card, a commentary by Joe Bob Briggs himself (and yes, it is more entertaining than the movie, although if you know Joe Bob he likes to sometimes ramble and toss out useless information at random).