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1987 - 78m.

Another nail driven deep into the coffin of 80's slasher flicks occured when this was released.

Some people head-out to visit an abandoned asylum and are killed off by a burned-up killer who uses a bunch of different medical instruments.

Apparently the makers of this were gunning for a campy horror/comedy and they've loaded it with really lame attempts at humour, but that's not all folks; we have a cast of rotten actors (some of them nudie centerfolds, which explains a lot) getting bumped-off in increasingly lame ways by a unmenacing killer who likes to crack a one-liner to the just murdered corpse (never understood why if you've killed someone and you know they're dead why you'd crack jokes).

Ineptly made by a bunch of smirking losers who thought the world needed another jokey slasher flick - it didn't.

Directed By: Richard Friedman.
Written By: Rick Marx.

Starring: Patty Mullen, Ruth Collins, Kristen Davis, William Hay.