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1973 - 89m.

I'm going to restrain myself from a "Don't..." pun here.

Probably director S.F. Brownrigg's most well-known film (and he's only done a handful of forgettably titled movies) introduces us to a remote mental health facility (a nuthouse by any other term) where the head doctor has odd practice ideas that let the paitents run free. This, of course, causes one of them to axe the good doctor to death while chopping wood (visions of the same scene in Friday The 13th Part 5 anyone?) which puts head nurse Anne MacAdams in charge. Along comes new nurse Rosie Holotik and soon the "inmates are taking over the asylum" as all sorts of death, dementia and wacky goings-on start to happen.

There's a few murders, a bunch of really boring dialogue and a big plot twist you can see coming a mile away. While the acting isn't bad (especially the paitents and MacAdams) and there's some moments of black humour; this slow starting psychological horror is just so damn boring! Once you're in a nice comatose state from barely anything happening plot wise they even manage to trot out a chaotically lame finale (that's only good scene has they paitents swarm someone with axes).

Yeah, this sucks pretty good. Screenwriter Tim Pope would later make the lame Crow:City Of Angels.

Directed By: S.F. Brownrigg.
Written By: Tim Pope.

Starring: Anne MacAdams, Rosie Holotik, William Bill McGhee, Gene Ross.