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1988 - 94m.

Troma bought and retitled this mediocre slasher flick (that's also available under the title House On Tombstone Hill) that has a group of twenty-somethings going to fix-up an old secluded house and falling victim to the murderous ghosts of an old lady (who's played by a male and given a Southern accent) and her young daughter who proceed to slash them up and bring them back as zombie-like killers.

With efficent gore, a few okay deaths (the "machete hand chop" moment and scene involving a "window" are good) and steady direction this has some hammy humour and slings pleasing grue but suffers from being sloppily written (there's a few logic lapses) and a bit dull.

It's a comendable attempt to mix a ghost story with a slasher flick but it's never anything more than a misfire.

Directed By: J. Riffel.
Written By: J. Riffel.

Starring: Mark Zobian, Victor Verhaeghe, Sarah Newhouse, Douglas F. Gibson.

aka: The Dead Come Home; House On Tombstone Hill.