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1995 - 80m.

A youth oriented "jab" at the ribs of slasher flicks this independent comedy/horror has a group of purposely cliched college kids heading off to a lakeside cottage for a quiet weekend getting killed by the title murderer who wears a crinoline skirt over his face.

This one is a mixed-bag for sure; it's easy to see that director/writer/co-star Faircloth was trying for a "hip" semi-spoof (even having one character killed with a bunch of celery) but despite a purposely hammy approach and a few okay actors (Tracey Powlas is amusing as the annoying valley girl and Brian Kelly does fine) this comes across more as lame and tired than anything else.

In fact the biggest problem here is that most characters are jerks (especially Cathy Slaminko as "Trish", a girl who calls people names the second she meets them), the "modern" dialogue gets more groans than anything and no-one dies until this is an hour old.

Padded with scenes of characters walking, getting dressed, etc. this isn't dull really it's just kind of "there". A failed effort in which some of the South Carolina accents slipping up makes some lines hard to comprehend, an 80's retro discussion among characters reminds you of this movie and one male character insists on talking like a gay valley girl.

Visit Horse Creek Productions to order.

Directed By: Tommy Faircloth.
Written By: Tommy Faircloth.

Starring: Brian Kelly, Tracey Powlas, Cathy Slaminko, Richard Abbott.