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1999 - 91m.

The makers of this teen slasher were trying for a twist on the genre but all they've come up with is a passable little film.

In the town of Cherry Falls a handful of high schoolers start getting killed and it's soon revealed that all the victims were virgins. This leads to, in a twist that's mildly interesting - yet silly at the same time, all the teens deciding to throw an orgy (or "Hymen Holocaust" as one character describes it) to take themselves off the "endangered species" list.

Brittany Murphy (of Don't Say A Word, "I'll never tell" fame) and boyfriend Kenny (Gabriel Mann who gives the weakest performance here) have to try and stop the killer which leads to a predictable finale (if you pay attention it's simple to pick-out the murderer).

The opening attack works well and there's a decent cast for this type of film but the whole proceedings just feel lame, the teen dialogue is tired and this stretches too much to have humour (most of which is juvenile, though the "parent/police gym meeting" is amusing).

Generally forgettable though I liked the scene where the killer can't pull the axe back out of a teen victim.

Directed By: Geoffrey Wright.
Written By: Ken Selden.

Starring: Brittany Murphy, Michael Biehn, Gabriel Mann, Jesse Bradford.