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1987 - 87m.

Novelist Gary Brandner (who's most popular for writing The Howling) penned the screenplay based on his book that has youngster Cameron (Scott Curtis, who's not the worst kid actor out there) who just so happens to have telekinetic powers and is also plagued with an ancient monster living in his closet.

After his doctor father Tab Hunter is decapitated (he falls on a machete, not too bad a death) he goes to live with his mother and soon people are getting killed by the beast. Detective Cotter Smith and psychologist Mel Harris have to try and help Cameron and stop the creature.

There's plenty of problems with this completely skippable low-budgeter the main one being a script that makes most of the characters unlikeable, is light on explainations and comes across as a muddled mix of dream sequences, a barely explored telekinetic angle and monster attacks (that gives this movie a fair share of bloodflow).

The bad finale gives us a good look at the poor monster designed by Carlo Rambaldi (who is most famous for creating E.T.) and manages to make this even more confused than it already is. And whats with all the odd "symbolism" involving seaguls and lakes?

A complete mess.

Directed By: Armand Mastroianni.
Written By: Gary Brandner.

Starring: Cotter Smith, Mel Harris, Scott Curtis, Chuck McCann.