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1997 - 78m.

It's hard to give a decent rating when a movie plays out like a Playboy video. There needs to be a little more than a series of stripping scenes to merit a good review and this flick delivers the bare minimum of plot amidst the numerous displays of the physical attributes of our leading ladies. This was disappointing because I thought the original Stripteaser was a solid little b-movie with good performances from the key cast members and a fair amount of suspense even though it all took place on one night in a strip club. This sequel, in name only, barely gives enough of a plot to allow any of the actors to display much of what they have to offer.

Rick Jordan stars as Marty, a cab driver who hangs out in peeler bars in an attempt to find out what happened to his little sister who left home to get her kicks in the sleazier side of Los Angeles. Marty carries a picture of his sis around that he shows to various club employees. This usually results in him getting ejected from the club. As Marty is investigating the main establishment from the movie, he is intrigued by what is happening in the forbidden upstairs area. We eventually learn that this area is a special S&M playpen for high paying customers including the local police chief who dresses up in an outfit that reminded me of Dr. Doom. Marty feels like this room with lead to an answer as to the whereabouts of his sister so he will do whatever is takes to find out what is up there.

This all sounds very intriguing as I write it but in reality, the pieces of the plot only amount to about thirty minutes of the total running time. This leaves over half of the running time of stripper sequences featuring a revolving lineup of Stacey Leigh Mobley, Lisa Ann Brown, Kiva, and Kimberly Knight. There are also a couple of sex scenes involving the club owner (Kim Dawson) and her sleazy boyfriend/sidekick. As far as stripping sequences go, some of them were decent but there have been so many stripper movies that they were nothing new to a b-movie fan. In fact, there were so many of them that I became a little numb to the nudity. I felt that the only reason that the plot was there was that it was as a way to sell the movie as a feature film rather than a video of nude models. The feeling of the plot just being thrown in showed as the only females who had anything to do other than strip were Mobley and Dawson. I think the other three maybe had ten lines of dialogue between them. My favorite part of the movie was a car chase where one of the drivers was wearing an S&M death mask.

If you are wanting to see the women in this film get naked repeatedly, by all means check this movie out but if you are looking for an example of the 'strippers in peril' subgenre of the late 20th century, you should look elsewhere. I have seen many stripper movies in my day and although it would be easy for a director to focus on the flesh, I find that the the best ones are the ones that focus on the characters instead. The seedy side of life fascinates me and I love to see stories that take place in that world whether in be in film, in books, or in music. If all I want to do is go and see strippers though, I would just go to a strip club rather than watch it on TV at home. Stacey Leigh Mobley became porn star Holly Hollywood shortly after a brief stint in b-movies. Kimberly Knight is also known as Taylor St. Claire and has also become a major porn star in addition to a number of softcore roles. B-movie fans will recognize Kim Dawson from a number of late night cable titles. Look for a clip from the original Piranha playing on a television at one point. (Josh Pasnak, 8/27/07)

Directed By: Karl Ernest.
Written By: Alanzo Alfonzo.

Starring: Stacey Leigh Mobley, Rick Jordan, Kim Dawson, Matt Preston.